
Showing posts from August, 2019

Collector of the Journey

A deeply driven mind, will be lost. Always gone, & always at home All together  To bring the different parts of myself I've found in so many places Creativity as a collective and individually. A deeply driven soul will stay slightly insane, drowning in knowledge. Ofttimes I question if maybe bliss was the greatest sacrifice for knowledge as Adam & Eve lived flawlessly before the tree of knowledge be eaten.  Realizations we come to grow us more mature and reveal more pain.  A deeply driven soul is one complex extension in a larger, more complex, novel of beings. Each having our own meaning. We wrote our own stories and many will never be read. I'm a collector of necessary, a collector of hurt. This be my collection of knowledge. I'm a collector of myself, finding another part again and again in my constant travels where my true home lies: collector of the journey. 


Align yourself with feelings of Gratitude for this is one of the highest frequencies to resonate with. From a mindset of Gratitude it is quite easy to properly manifest and also great for clarity. I would suggest to possibly begin a Gratitude Journal so that daily you can hone in on this frequency and saturate in it's power. Affirm every morning the things you are most grateful for and hold these in your heart as a reminder throughout the day that everything will work out in it's own time. The Gratitude Journal is simply a list of experiences, feelings, things, etc. of which you're grateful.